Community Investment Tax Credits (CITC)
Fenway CDC invites you to participate in the Massachusetts Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) program as a donor to maximize the impact of our work. Please download our CITC brochure fordetails. Read more about the CITC regulations here. For inquiries, please contact Iris Tan at itan@staging.fenwaycdc.org or call (617) 276-4637 x 25.
Who Can Participate?
Individuals, business owners, corporations, and non-profits.
How to Participate?
Contact us to let us know your philanthropic intent.
How to Process CITC?
Claim your tax credits at this link
What Is CITC?
The CITC was signed into law by Governor Deval Patrick on August 6, 2012 as part of a larger economic development bill. It is designed to support high-impact community-led economic development initiatives through a strategic, market-based approach that leverages private contributions and builds strong local partnerships.
The purpose of the CITC program is to enable residents and stakeholders to work with and through community development corporations to partner with non-profit, public and private entities to improve economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income households and other residents in urban, rural and suburban communities across the Commonwealth. State-certified CDCs developed high quality, multi-year business plans detailing how they would improve their community and leverage federal and private resources for neighborhood-based economy development.
Who Can Participate?
Businesses, for-profit corporations, individuals, non-profits, and foundations can all participate.
How CITC Program Benefits Fenway CDC
Fenway CDC will be able to leverage the contribution from donors to increase our operational capacity, improve or expand programs and services, serve more community residents, and achieve maximum community impact.